

1.__________ one when one wants to know all the information published ona specific subject area or topic.

Everyday approach
Current approach
None of the above

2. Reference services are

Anticipatory services
On demand services generally but at times can be anticipatory
None of the above

3.Who defined Reference service is, "the process of establishing right contact between the right reader and the right book at the right time in the right personal way"?

William A Katz
Maragret Hatchins
Louis shores

4. Fact-finding serivce is also known as

Long Range Reference Service
Documentation Service
Current Awarness service

5.What is/are the important factors between Long range and short range reference services?

the time inovolved
the materials used
the nature of information sought

6.The book "Introduction to Reference Work' published in 1944 written by

Krishan Kumar
William A Katz

7. What are the methods of user education?

Direct method
Indirect method
Combination of direct and indirect methods

8. Which is an indirect method of user education?

Conducted tour
Informal meetings
Orientation lectures

9.Which is not a documentation service?

Current awarness service
Selective Dissemination of Information
Reprographic service

10. Which is not an example of Current Awareness Service?

An indexing bulletin
Current Contents

11. Who is father of bibliography?

Robert Constantin
William A Katz

12. The first and foremost step in literature search is

identifying search terms
selection of indexing and abstracting journal
checking secondary publications

13. Which is not come under the category of bibliographical services?

Current Awareness Service(CAS)
Selective Dissemination of information (SDI) Service
Literature Searching Service

14. Routing of periodicals is

Indexing service
Abstracting service

15. Who had given the Minimal, Middling and Maximum theories of reference service?

C. M. Winchell
S. R. Ranganathan
James I Wyer

16. DESIDOC is documentation centre for

Indigenous Knowledge
Rural Development
Khadi & Village Industries

17. INSDOC has been merged with ______ and is now known as NISCAIR


18. Which of the following are review type services ? 
(i) Current Awareness (ii) Trend Reports 
(iii) News Clippings (iv) State of the Art Report

(i), (ii), (iii) are correct.
(i), (iii), (iv) are correct.
(ii) & (iii) are correct.

19. Assertion (A) : Online services incur heavy investment at the initial stage.
Reason (R) : Online services are costlier than print

Both (A) and (R) are true.
(A) is false but (R) is true.
Both (A) and (R) are false.

20. Assertion (A): User profile is an essential component of SDI service.
Reason (R): SDI is a personalized current awareness service.

Both (A) and (R) are false
Both are partially true
(A) is true but (R) is false

21. Assertion (A) : Reference service is the hub of alllibrary activities.
Reason (R) : It is provided in the shortest possible time

(A) is true, but (R) is false
(R) is true, but (A) is false
Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the right explanation

22. Assertion (A) : Provision of services outside the library regular service centre or outlet is essential to reach more and more patrons.
Reason (R) : Library extension services help libraries to cover larger population of patrons.

(A) is true but (R) is false.
(A) is false but (R) is true.
Both (A) and (R) are false.

23. Translation service is intended to overcome

Space barrier
Jargon barrier
Cultural barrier

24. Live chat is a

Reference service
Virtual reference software
Referral service

25. A special library offers services to
Staff of all kinds of organisation
widely distributed group of users
people of that particular community

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