Paper 1 Unit VI: Indian Logic: Means of knowledge - Important Questions

1. What is the central theme of Epistemology in Indian Philosophy?
A) Liberation through knowledge
B) Liberation through material wealth
C) Liberation through meditation
D) Liberation through social status

2. Which term refers to those who accept Vedas as a reliable source of knowledge in Indian Logic?
A) Nastik
B) Astik
C) Sankhya
D) Mimansa

3. According to Nyaya philosophy, how many ways are there to attain valid knowledge?
A) Three
B) Five
C) Four
D) Six

4. Which Indian school of thought believes in the dual realism of purusa and prakrti?
A) Nyaya
B) Vaisesika
C) Sankhya
D) Yoga

5. What is the practical path to attaining knowledge in the Yoga philosophy?
A) Study of scriptures
B) Performing rituals
C) Meditation and physical application of yoga
D) Recitation of mantras

6. Which branch of Mimansa philosophy is postulated by Jamini?
A) Purva-Mimansa
B) Uttara Mimansa
C) Vedanta
D) Dhyana

7. Who is considered the founder of Buddhism?
A) Sage Gautama
B) Vardhaman Mahavira
C) Brihaspati
D) Rishabhanatha

8. According to Buddhism, what is the main cause of suffering?
A) Ignorance
B) Desire
C) Attachment
D) Lack of compassion

9. What is the core teaching of Jainism?
A) Salvation through devotion
B) Liberation through meditation
C) Non-violence and reducing harm to living beings
D) Asceticism and detachment from society

10. Which philosophy in Indian tradition is associated with skepticism and ignorance?
A) Vaisesika
B) Ajivika
C) Sankhya
D) Charvaka

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