Unit 2: Library Associations in India and other Countries

1) State the aims and objectives of library associations. 
The aims and objectives of library associations are :
a) Promote/Spread Library movement in a country to disseminate knowledge :
b) Work for enactment of public library legislation in the country;
c) Work towards the evolution of integrated national library and information systems;
d) Professional development including improving service conditions for the professionals;
e) Contributes towards manpower development.

2) List under six broad groups the programmes and activities of library associations. 
The programmes and activities of a library association can be broadly grouped under the following categories :
a) Undertaking surveys of library facilitates and services;
b) Continuing educational programmes;
c) User studies;
d) Qrganization of conferences, seminars, workshops, etc.
e) Publication activities;
f) Professional development.

3) List the main activities and programmes of the Indian Library Association. 
The activities of the Indian Library Association are :
a) Holding conferences and meetings
b) Publication of ILA Bulletin: ILA Newsletter; Conference Proceedings; ILA members directory; Annual Reports;
c) Continuing education programmes.
d) Consultancy services; Directory of Libraries database.
e) Handling professional issues;
f) Participation in national library and information development;
g) Maintaining relations with other professional bodies;
h) Maintaining international relations;
i) Preparing for the future.

4) State the professional issues that were taken up by the Indian Library Association with state and central government authorities. 
The professional issues taken by the Indian Library Association have been:
a) Enactment of library legislation with the state governments;
b) Betterment of salary grades, service conditions and status of library professionals;
c) National Library and Information Policy.

5) List the activities of IASLIC that distinguish its special character. 
The activities of IASLIC that distinguished its special character are:
a) Biennial seminars and conferences in alternate years in different parts of the country;
b) Formation of interest groups devoted to areas like Industrial Information, Social Science Information;
c) Organising special lectures; exhibitions;
d) Publications of literature in the library and information science;
e) Support research projects getting financial assistance from funding bodies.

6) Name the publications of IASLIC. 
The Publications of IASLIC are : IASLIC Newsletter, Proceedings of Seminars and Conferences, Indian Library and Information Science Abstracts, Monographs, Manual; Codes and Glossaries etc.

7) List the various divisions of the American Library Association. 
The divisions of the American Library Association are : School Libraries, Libraries for Children and Young : Library Education: Reference and Adult Services : Library Resources and Technical Services and Library Automation; College and Research Libraries,

8) State the international activities of the American Library Association. 
ALA's International Activities include Participation in the programmes of UNESCO, IFLA and FID, assistance - to many countries through Advisory Services, Technical Assistance, Fellowships, Travel Grants, Supply of Reading Materials, etc:

9) List the educational and training activities of the British Library Association. 
The educational and training activities of the British Library Association include :
Admission as Associate Members on; the successful completion of courses prescribed for the purpose ; Admission as Fellows on the submission of an approved thesis and its evaluation or for outstanding services to librarianship, Organization and conduct of continuing education and training programmes; Encouragement to the  establishment of Library schools and maintenance of high standards in professional education and training;

10) List the publications of the British Library Association. 
The British Library Association Publication Programme includes publishing :
Library Association Record (monthly);
Journal of Librarianship (quarterly)
British Humanities Index (quarterly)
Applied Social Science Index and Abstracts (bi-weekly)
Library and Information Science Abstracts (bi-monthly) (LISA)
Current Research in Library and Information Science (three issues a year) Current
Technology Index (monthly)
Monographs, directories, yearbooks, Conference proceedings and other occassional

11) State in five lines the aims of ASLIB. 
ASLIB aims to facilitate, the coordination and systematic use of source of knowledge and information in all public affairs and in industry and commerce and in all the arts and sciences: It is to increase the contribution of information to the economic, social and cultural life of the community by the promotion of effective information management.

12) Name the areas of work ASLIB presently concentrates on. 
 ASLIB mainly concentrates on information services, publications of professional literature and professional development.

Continuing Education : Non-formal education for the benefit of working professionals to upgrade knowledge and skill,
Ethics : Rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular group.
Forum : Public place for discussion of matters of common interest to a given group.
Library Movement : Progressive development of libraries towards providing the public access to knowledge and information.
Objectives : Specific aims, goals to be achieved:
Official Organ : A journal, newspaper or other publication representing a special group.
Profession : Body of persons engaged in an occupation, requiring an extensive education in a branch of science, arts, etc.
Programme : A coordinated group of things to be done or performed.
Standard : Model, Guide or Pattern for guidance.

Source: IGNOU Study Material
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