Document Delivery Service

1)Explain document delivery service and state the factors that govern the efficiency of this service.
The library service that delivers the document or its copy in print or non-print form to the user, irrespective of the location of the original document. is known as document delivery service. The activities involved are identifying the document, finding its location, procuring the document or its copy from the source and finally, supplying it to the user. The factors that govern the efficiency of DDS are speed, satisfaction rate and cost of the service. Ideally, the DDS should be costeffective,
speedily delivered and satisfying all the requests

2) Briefly describe Electronic Document Delivery Systems. Highlight the advantages of these systems over conventional Document Delivery Systems
The systems employing electronic technologies for receipt of requests and supply of documents are known as Electronic Document Delivery Systems (EDDS). These systems combine the benefits of online searching, online ordering, CD-ROM and fax technologies for document delivery over networks. Speed is the main advantage of these systems as compared to the conventional document delivery systems. Once the location of the document is identified, it can be delivered at a great speed, almost instantly. These systems also facilitate resource sharing and offer scanning facility to the requester to assess the utility of the document before placing an order.

3) List some of the problems associated with the document delivery service. 
The problems associated with Document Delivery Service are non-availability of publications, limited library budgets, increasing subscription costs of the publications, copyright laws and restrictions imposed on storage and delivery of documents in electronic form.

4) Describe Document Copy Supply Service INSDOC 
The document copy supply service of INSDOC is based on decentralised collection of resources held in various science libraries in India. INSDOC offers this service at national level. When requests for document delivery are received, firstly they are met from INSDOC's own library collection, then from Delhi based libraries and other Indian libraries and finally from foreign countries, 1NSDOC's own library resources include 8000 periodical titles of which 2110 periodicals are in electronic form. Over 2.000 requests are received every year and about 85% of them are satisfied: Using the local resources, on an average 73% requests are met within 2 weeks and 85% within 4 weeks. Procurement of documents from foreign countries takes a little longer. Maximum number of requests (over 80%) are received for journal articles. Another form of document delivery service offered by INSDOC is Contents, Abstracts and Photocopy Service (CAPS) and Full Text Journal Service (FTJS). Under the CAPS service, subscribers receive tables of contents of journals selected by them from a list of 5000 Indian and foreign periodicals, on yearly subscription basis. On browsing through the contents users can place order for abstracts or full papers through the document copy supply service of INSDDC. CAPS service is available to the subscribers on paper, on diskette and through e-mail.

Bit-Mapping :The assignment of each location in the storage of computer to a physical location on an electronic display.
CD-ROM : A non-magnetic disc 4.75 inches (12 cenimeters) in diameter, on which approximately 630 megabytes of data can be permanently recorded by using a laser beam to burn microscopic pits into the surface .Data can be read by using a lower –power laser beam to sense the presence or absence of pits.
Computer Network : Exclusive right granted by law for a certain number of years make and dispose copies of literary, musical or artistic work.
Electronic-mail : The electronic transmission of letters, messages and mail memos through a communication network.
Facsimile : Also known as `Fax'  is a system of communication in which  a transmitter scans a text, photograph, map or other fixed  graphic material and converts the information into signal  waves for transmission by wire or radio to a facsimile receiver  at a remote point.
Imaging Method: A technique in which data from an image are digitized and  various mathematical operations are applied to the data,  generally using a digital computer, in order to create an  enhanced image that is more useful or pleasing to human  observer.
Scanner : A magnetic or photoelectronic device which converts the  input characters into corresponding electric signals for  processing by electronic apparatus.
Telecommunication: Essentially the transmission of information from one point to  another by wire, radio, optical or other electromagnetic  system.
Telex : A telegraph service enabling its subscribers to communicate  directly with one another over the public telegraph network  using start-stop apparatus, usually teleprinters operating at  50 bauds.

Source: IGNOU Study Material
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