Statistical Packages

1) Define a Statistical package. Describe its need and purpose.
A statistical package is defined as the software used to collect, organise, interpret and present numerical information. The need of a statistical package arises due to the complexity of calculations involved therein for analysis and inference. It helps to bring accuracy in results.

2) Enumerate the data analysis tools in MS-Excel.
The data analysis tools in MS-Excel are : ANOVA, corrilation covariance, Descriptive Statistics, Expowertial Smoothing, F-Test, Moving Average, Regression Analysis, sampling Analysis, t-Test and z-Test.

3) Enumerate the statistical analysis provisions in SPSS
The statistical analysis tools in SPSS are : Report, Descriptive Statistics, Compare Means, General Linear Model, Correlate, Regression, Classify, Data Reduction, Scale, Non-Pavansetric Tests and Multiple Response.


Statistics : It is a broad mathematical discipline which studies ways to collect, summarize and draw conclusions from data. In other words, it is used as a “collection of numerical facts or data”.
Statistical Package : It is software for the collection, organization, interpretation,and presentation of numerical information.
Nominal Scale : Nominal measurement consists of assigning items to groups or categories.
Ordinal scale : Measurements with ordinal scales are ordered in the sense that higher numbers represent higher values.
Cardinal Scale : On interval measurement scales, one unit on the scale represens the same magnitude on the trait or characteristic being measured across the whole range of the scale.
Ratio scale : Ratio scales are like interval scales except they have true zero points. Ratio variables are very similar to interval variables.
Spreadsheet : It is a big worksheet (in many rows and columns). This worksheet can be used for data entry and for performing calculations by click of buttons.

Source:IGNOU Study Material
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