
Andhra Pradesh State Eligibility Test 2013 (APSET) Solved paper 3 (41-50)

1. Whose model of communication of nowledge suggests communication as an open system that may be regarded as subjective, selective, variable and yet unpredictable ?
Shannon and Weave
Juger Hebermans
G. Gerbner
M. Foucault

2. The provision of offering access to digital collection by using a variety of networks is known as
Virtual Library
Hybrid Library
Chartered Library
Affiliated Library

3.Translation of thoughts into words or signs which constitute information is termed as

4.Information inadequacy causes

5. Which of the following are the measures of information society ?
I. Access to information and knowledge
II. Training in computer literacy
III. Access to communication resources
IV. Data security
Code :

I, II, III are correct
I and III are correct
II, III, IV are correct
II and IV are correct

6. The national level associations for special libraries are
I. Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP)
II. Society for Information Science (SIS)
III. Association for Information Management (ASLIB)
IV. Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres (IASLIC)

I and III are correct
II and III are correct
I and IV are correct
III and IV are correct

7. Which of the following are the initiatives of S.R. Ranganathan ?
I. Introduction of Reference Service
II. Starting of a Public Library
III. Training Graduates for Reference Service
IV. Framing of Model Public Library Act
Code :

I and IV are correct
I and III are correct
I, III and IV are correct
I, II and IV are correct

8. Which of the following are the standards used for planning of library buildings in India ?
I. IS : 1829 (Part-I) 1977
II. IS : 1553 -1976
III. IS : 1829 (Part-II) 1979
IV. IS : 1553 -1960
Codes :

I, III and IV
II and IV
I and IV
I and III

9. Which of the following are features of ISDN ?
I. Suite of digital services
II. Works on OSI model
III. Second generation hyper media
IV. Provide access to packet switched networks
Code :

I and II are correct
III and IV are correct
I, II and III are correct
I, II and IV are correct

10. How does a University library can assess the users’ opinion on usefulness of e-journals in consortium ?
I. Feedback through library homepage
II. Use statistics of journals
III. Online opinion survey
IV. Observation by diary method
Code :

I and II are correct
II and III are correct
III and IV are correct
IV and I are correct

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