Andhra Pradesh State Eligibility Test 2013 (APSET) Solved paper 2 (41-50)

1. Match the following :
I. Generation of New Principles and Theories 1.Hypothesis
II. Formation of a Theory2.Applied research
III.Imaginary solution3.Objective of researcher
IV.Explanation and use of observations Code :4.Pure research

1 3 2 4
3 4 1 2
2 4 1 3
3 4 2 1

2. Match the following :
I.Federation of Registration1.OSI
II.National Information Centre (India)2.Hyper-media
IV.Adobe Flash4.e-Grandhalaya

3 4 1 2
2 3 1 4
4 2 3 1
2 4 1 3

3.Match the following :
I.Planning1.Unity of Command
II.Organizing2.Return on Investment
III.Directing3.Objectives and Goals
IV.Controlling4.Delegation of Authority

4 3 2 1
3 4 1 2
2 3 4 1
1 2 3 4

4.Match the following :
I.World of Learning1.Alphabetical
II.Sears List of Subject Headings2.Classified
III.Data India3.Geographical
IV.Indian National Bibliography4.Topical

1 3 2 4
2 4 1 3
3 1 4 2
4 3 2 1

5.Match the following :
I.Information Please Almanac1.Directory
II.Keesing’s Record of World Events2.Annual
III.Encyclopedia of Associations3.
IV.Publishers’ Weekly4.News Digest

1 4 2 3
2 4 1 3
4 2 1 3
2 3 4 1

Read the following paragraphs and answer the questions that follows : In 1945, Vannevar Bush for the first time mentioned about the concept of e-book in his seminal article ‘As we may think’ published in The Atlantic Monthly. In that article, Bush described about the ‘memex’a conceptual mechanical device used to store, retrieve, and display personal books, records, and documents. Taking this idea, Andries van Dam, a computer science professor at Brown University, has developed several models and interfaces for the e-books during the last three decades. Almost at the same time, Alan Kay developed the Dynabook, which is similar to today’s laptop computer. Under Project Gutenberg project, on 4 July 1971, Michael Hart first time created ‘Declaration of Independence’ a digital book and sent it to many people over a network. After Internet became popular in 1990s,some publishers started publishing and selling e-books along with their print versions. With the launch of NetLibrary by OCLC in 1999, about 2,000 e-books became commercially available to libraries. Later, e-book providing companies Questia and ebrary, entered into the market with different access models in 2000. Both of them marketed their services directly to end-users and also promoted institutional accounts to librarians with mixed results. An e-book is nothing but a computer file/ electronic copy of printed book that needs a device such as PC or PDA or web, to access and read. Advantages of e-books are many, including easy to carry, saving space, convenience, saving money and time and ease-of-use. Nowadays, storage space has become cheap so it is easy to take good number of e-books on any portable device so that entire collection will be accessible at one’s fingertips. Even if we have several hundred thousands of e-books, we can easily take a backup on a hard drive, which is impossible with a physical books. At the same time, there is no worries about fire, theft, etc. that have to be taken care of for their physical forms. In today’s world, physical space is very expensive, particularly libraries need lots of space irrespective of their category and that problems keep increasing with the size of the library. It is one of the problems faced by all libraries in the world and for that e-books are the best answer as there is no run out of space, to add any number of books, because disc space is becoming cheaper day by day.
6. Who first gave the idea of e-book ?
Vannevar Bush
Andries van Dam
Michael Hart
Alan Kay

7. What is an e-book ?
Computer file of printed book
Interfaces for printed book

8. Who first made e-books commercially available to libraries ?
Project Gutenberg

9. What is the name of first e-book ?
As We May Think
Declaration of Independence
The Atlantic Monthly
Net Library

10. Which one of the following is odd with ebooks?
Easy to carry
Saving space
Can read only one book at a time

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