21.Which of the following are value added information services ?
(i) Aggregator Service
(ii) Referral Service
(iii) Document Delivery Service
(iv) Research Reports/Market Survey Reports

(i) and (iii) are correct
(ii) and (iv) are correct
(ii) and (iii) are correct
(i) and (iv) are correct

22.Identify the methods used for plagiarism detection :
(i) Term occurrence analysis
(ii) API Testing
(iii) Citation-based plagiarism detection
(iv) Local similarity assessment

(i), (ii) and (iv) are correct.
(i), (iii) and (iv) are correct.
(ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct.
(i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.

23.Which of the following are the main role operators of PRECIS ?
(i) Key System
(ii) Action
(iii) Performer of action
(iv) Form of Document

(i), (ii) and (iii)
(ii), (i) and (iv)
(i), (iii) and (iv)
(ii), (iii) and (i)

24.Which of the following are the advantages of RFID technology in libraries ?
(i) Tags can be read inside a case.
(ii) Hundred of tags can be read at a time.
(iii) Cheaper than Barcode
(iv) More security and Privacy

(i) and (iii) are correct
(i) and (ii) are correct
(ii) and (iii) are correct
(iii) and (iv) are correct

25.Which of the following are not Change Management Models ?
(i) Kurtlewin’s Model
(ii) Beer’s Model
(iii) Lasswell’s Model
(iv) Epidemic Model

(i) & (iii) are correct.
(ii) & (iii) are correct.
(iii) & (iv) are correct.
(ii) & (iv) are correct.

26.Which of the following are the International Cooperative Serials Control Program ?
(ii) BIBCO

(i) & (ii) are correct.
(ii) & (iii) are correct.
(i) & (iii) are correct.
(ii) & (iv) are correct.

27.Which of the following are called ‘path finders’ to the literature ?
(i) Bibliography
(ii) Catalogue
(iii) Shelf List
(iv) Indices and Abstracts

(i) & (ii) are correct
(i), (ii) & (iv) are correct
(i) & (iv) are correct
(ii) & (iii) are correct

28.Which of the following facilitate informal communication on the web ?
(i) Split Screens
(ii) Chat
(iii) Wikis
(iv) RSS feeds

(i) & (iii) are correct
(ii) & (iii) are correct
(iii) & (iv) are correct
(i) & (ii) are correct

29.Which of the following associations have sponsored the Text Encoding Initiatives (TEI) ?
(i) ACL (ii) ACRL
(iii) ALLC (iv) ACH

(i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
(ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct
(i), (iv) and (ii) are correct
(i), (iii) and (iv) are correct

30.Which of the following are limitations of digital libraries ?
(i) Full text searching
(ii) Operational costs
(iii) Rights management
(iv) Hyper text linking

(ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct
(ii) and (iii) are correct
(i), (ii) and (iv) are correct
(i) and (iv) are correct

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