41.Arrange the following according to their year of emergence :
ii. Dissertation Abstracts International
iii. Indian Science Abstracts
iv. Indian Library & Information Science Abstracts

iii iv ii i
iv iii i ii
ii i iii iv
i ii iii iv

42.Arrange the following according to their year of emergence :

iii iv ii i
iv i iii ii
ii iv i iii
i ii iv iii

43. Arrange in sequence the following Model Public Library Acts/Bills in India :
i. Model Public Library Bill by M.D. Sen Committee
ii. Model Public Library Act by S.R. Ranganathan
iii. Model Public Library Act of ILA
iv. Model Public Library Bill by working group of Planning Commission

i ii iii iv
ii i iv iii
iii iv i ii
iv iii ii i

44.Arrange in sequence the medium used for ‘Virtual Reference’ in the order of their progress.
i. Web form
ii. Ask a Service
iii. E-mail
iv. Social Networking

i ii iii iv
ii iii iv i
iii i ii iv
iv ii i iii

45.Arrange in order the process of stock rectification and stock verification as suggested by S.R. Ranganathan :
i. Checking with charged tray
ii. Shelf Rectification
iii. Shelf checking
iv. Deciding the Quota

iii i iv ii
iv i ii iii
iv ii iii i
ii iv i iii

46.Match the following :
a. Outdated Informationi. Information Diffusion
b. Condensed Informationii. Obsolete Information
c. Messageiii. Compressible Information
d. Vintage modeliv. Understanding

iv iii ii i
i ii iv iii
iii iv ii i
ii iii iv i

47.Match the following :
a. Technique for identifying the theme of a documenti. Cataloguing
b. Prussian Instructionii. Standard for encoding data on CD-ROM
c. ISO-9960iii. Data Transmission Speed
d. Baudiv. Bibliographic coupling

iv i ii iii
i ii iii iv
ii iii iv i
iii ii i iv

48.Match the following :
a. Maurice B. Linei. Resource Management in Academic Libraries
b. David Bakerii. Planning Academic and Research Library Buildings
c. Peter Brophyiii. Academic Library Management
d. K.D. Metcalf iv. The Academic Libraries

iii i iv ii
i ii iii iv
iv i ii iii
ii iii i iv

49.Match the following :
a. Digital LibraryCollections are stored in electronic media formats and accessible via computers
b. Hybrid Library Access to electronic information in a variety of remote locations through a local online catalogue or other gateway
c. Virtual Library Provides services in a mixed mode electronic and paper environment
d. Electronic LibraryCollection of electronic resources that provides direct/indirect access to a systematically organised collection of digital objects

iv iii ii i
i iii iv ii
iii i ii iv
ii ii i iii

50.Match the following :
a. Survey of requirementsi. Design phase
b. Determining cost efficiency and effectivenessii. Installation phase
c. Review of the programs and their goalsiii. Analysis phase
d. Complete change over basics of systemiv. Evaluation phase

i ii iii iv
ii iii iv i
iii iv i ii
iv i ii iii

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