Karnataka SET 2016 Paper 2 LIS (31-40)

1. Arrange the steps involved in survey research sequentially.
i. Defining objectives of research
ii. Pilot study
iii. Questionnaire design
iv. Formulating hypothesis

i, iv, iii and ii
ii, iv, iii and i
iii, ii, i and iv
iv, iii, ii and i

2. Arrange the following on the basis of number of digits in them.
ii. ISSN
iii. DOI
iv. IP Address

i, iii, ii and iv
iii, ii, iv and i
ii, iii, iv and i
ii, iv, iii and i

3. Arrange the stages in programming in their logical sequence.
i. Program documentation
ii. Program coding
iii. Program testing
iv. Program designing

ii, i, iv and iii
iii, ii, i and iv
iv, ii, iii and i
i, ii, iii and iv

4. Arrange the following in the correct logical sequence.
i. Information
ii. Data
iii. Wisdom
iv. Knowledge

ii, i, iv and iii
iii, ii, i and iv
iv, iii, ii and i
i, iii, ii and iv

5. Arrange the following models of communication according to the chronological order of their proposal.
i. Shannon and Weaver model
ii. George Gerbner's model
iii. Lasswell's model
iv. Schramm model

i, ii, iii and iv
iii, i, ii and iv
ii, i, iii and iv
i, iii, iv and ii

6. Match the following :
a. RSS i. Chat Service
b. Blogii. Collective Wisdom
c. Wikiiii. Rich Site Summary
d. Instant messagingiv. Word Press

iii iv ii i
i iii ii iv
iv ii iii i
i iv iii i

7. Match the following :
i iii iv ii
iii i iv ii
ii iv i iii
iv iii i ii

8. Match the following :
a. D Space i. Content management system
b. Word Pressii. Plagiarism detection
c. Turnitiniii. Reference management
d. End noteiv. Institutional Repository

iii iv i ii
iv i ii iii
ii iv i iii
i iv ii iii

9. Match the following :
a. Charles Babbagei. Apple Computer
b. Steve Jobsii. World Wide Web
c. Tim Berner's Leeiii. Microsoft
d. Bill Gatesiv. Father of Computers

i ii iv iii
iv i ii iii
iii iv i ii
ii iv i iii

10. Match the following :
a. Abbey Fine Readeri. Remote login software
b. Team viewerii. Audio editing software
c. Thenticateiii. OCR software
d. Andacityiv. Plagiarism detection software

i iv ii iii
iii i iv ii
iii iv ii i
ii iv i iii

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