Karnataka SET 2016 Paper 3 LIS (21-30)

1. Who is the President of IFLA (2015-2017) ?
Nancy Keller
Kalpana Das Gupta
Barbara Tillet
Donna Scheeder

2. Which of the following is a contact library ?
British Council Library
Delhi Public Library
Khudabaksh Library, Patna
IGNOU Library, New Delhi

3. Which of the following provides matching grants for establishing "Children Corner" in public libraries?
National Library of India

4. Which agency proposed the seven pillars of information literacy ?

5. What name was given to the meeting held in Berne in 1886 for international agreement on Copyright ?
Universal Copyright Convention
Universal Copyright Meeting
International Copyright Convention
Universal Meeting on Copyright

6. What are the two modes of communication of information ?
Formal and Informal
Primary and Secondary
Simple and Operational
Denudation and Distillation

7. Which one is not the attribute of information ?
It has no colour and no physical form
It is dynamic, but not rigid
It can be explained
It cannot be evaluated

8. What is the fundamental base to manage human resources in the libraries ?
Job description
Class analysis
Job analysis
Job satisfaction

9. Who developed CPM method ?
H.L. Gnat
Kelly and Walker
G. Keller
B. Taylor

10. Why staff manual is needed in the libraries ?
To present the staff with work culture
To analyse various posts in the libraries
To acquaint with the objectives, duties and responsibilities of the staff
To acquaint with salaries of the staff

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