Unit 2: Library Legislation and Model Public Library Acts

1) Explain the components to be covered in the State Policy for Library and
Information Service. 
Components to be covered in the State Policy for Library and Information Service:
a) Administrative system at all levels.
b) Proposed Library Network
c) Services rendered
d) Human Resources Development
e) Financial Sources for Public Library Services.

2) List the deficiencies of precursors to modern public libraries.
The precursors to modern public libraries had the following deficiencies :
a) They were mainly voluntary efforts with meager financial support,
b) The financial support was weak as they depended on subscriptions and
public donations
c) The governance and management standards were minimal.
d) Services were limited to members; there were no services except book
e) They were not certain to continue.
f) They were functional only as long as their I founders were active;
subsequently they faded out for one reason or the other.

3) How does legislation strengthen the system?
The strength of a network of public libraries established by law are:
a) State legislation provides a legal basis, which is an acceptable democratic process.
b) It ensures a continued and smooth process of establishing a framework of libraries on a statutory basis.
c) It provides proper governance and management in the certain standards.
d) Its various clauses provide, the basis for the structure, functions, personnel, and finance in meeting user demands for library services.
e) It ensures sustained financial support and smooth flow of finance.
f) It ensures sustained free public service to all.
g) Its basic objectives, structural organisation, performance come in for public
scrutiny from time to time and hence provides ample scope for modification, improvements, responding to societal changes and consequent needs of the society.
h) Obliged to the response and proper accountability:

4) Enumerate the main features of a Model Public Library Act. 
The main features of a Model Public Library Act are:
a) It should define all the basic concepts or instruments or components for a library service system.
b) It should define the configurational structure of the system of libraries.
c) It should state the governance apparatus such as library committees, the board of management and the like.
d) It should define the system of cadre, recruitment and concept of professional excellence of library and information professinals.
e) It should set up tiers of organisation for continuous financial support and utilisation.
f) It should provide for various types of services for regular and specialised citizens.
g) It should set up. the ways and means of reporting about services rendered to the professional authorities as well as to the administrative authorities, by establishing a modern monitoring system.
h) It should provide for a complete library system that would also look into preservation of various kinds of documents as well as dissemination of information contained in them.

5) List the informational headings of a Model Public Library Act
The information headings of a Model Library Act are:
a) Exact title and short title of the Act
b) State Library Authority
c) Department of Library and Information Services
d) Public Library and Information System
e) State Library and Information Service
f) Finance, accounts and accountability
g) Rules for procedure, control and supervision.

Authority : A statutory body with executive powers.
Hierarchical Tiers : Any system of organisatonal set up ranked one above the other.
Model Act/Model Bills : A document prepared for the guidance to prepare a Bill for placing before the Assembly.
Network : An inter related and connected system forming part of a whole.
Nodes : A central point of component parts.
Radial : Going from the centre outward or from the circumference inward along the radius.

Source: IGNOU Study Material
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