Survey Research

1) What is a library survey?
Library survey is the process of collecting information concerning the collection, processes, services, staff or users of libraries. It is done in a systematic way using standard techniques and tools.

2) Discuss the purpose of a library survey.
The purpose of a library survey is to know and present such information about libraries of certain types or in certain regions. It helps in knowing the state of development of libraries as well as to evaluate them for further improvement.

3) List the steps involved in data collection
  • The steps involved in data collection are:
  • Size and the nature of population must be clearly known;
  • Deciding the sampling techniques to be used and the sample size;
  • Deciding about the tools for data collection to be used;
  • Selecting scales for measurement;
  • Properly framing the questionnaire/ interview schedule taking care of the validity and reliability;
  • Conducting a pilot survey and improving the questionnaire/ interview schedule based on the feedback; and
  • Administering the data collection tool to the population.

4) Enumerate the problems of survey research regarding data.
  • The problems of survey research regarding data are:
  • Non- cooperation from respondents;
  • Low response rate;
  • Deliberate wrong information;
  • Unclear answers; and
  • Cooked up data provided by respondents.
5) Discuss the advantages of electronic surveys
Electronic surveys are useful in that they are economic. Any number of questionnaires can be mailed. The analysis is also simple as it saves on coding, tabulation and further testing of data.


Inductive Reasoning : Logical reasoning based on long drawn facts and observations. Sun will rise from the east tommorrow is inductive reasoning.
Informant : A person part of the population under study, who gives information or opinion to the researchers.
Margin of Error : Degree of deviation of sample from being a true representative of a population drawn by random sampling. In practice 0.5% Margin of Error is acceptable or normal. It means the sample is 95% approximation of the whole population.
Questionnaire : A formal and structured list of questions prepared by the researcher to be asked.
Random Sample : A sample drawn by probability technique in which every element of population has equal and independent chance of inclusion in the sample.
Sample : A formulated subset of population to represent in miniature the whole population to be researched.
Survey Research : It is a type of descriptive research to study a particular situation, or setting, to know its whole state of the art condition or any particular aspect to answer what, where when and who types of questions. Some times a huge data bank creation is the only immediate motive of survey research. In social sciences it is the most popular method.
Validity : It means either accuracy of observation and measurement; and the correctness of generalization of research results for other situations.

Source: IGNOU Study Material
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