Karnataka SET 2016 Paper 2 LIS (11-20)

1. DDC completed its 100 years in

2. Tim Berners Lee, Father of WWW is closely associated with
i. European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
ii. National Center for Super computing Applications (NCSA)
iii. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
iv. Web Science Research Initiative (WSRI)
i and ii are correct
i, iii, iv are correct
i, ii and iv are correct
i, ii, iii and iv are correct

3. User education process leads to
i. Recognition of user information needs
ii. Formulation of user requirement profiles
iii. Effective and efficient user of information service
iv. Assessment of information service
i and ii are correct
i, iii and iv are correct
iii is correct
ii and iv are correct

4. Advantages of RFID over barcode technology are
i. No line of sight required for reading
ii. Multiple items can be read with a single scan
iii. Individual items are not identified
iv. Each tag can carry a lot of data
i, ii and iii are correct
i, ii and iv are correct
ii, iii and iv are correct
i, iii and iv are correct

5. The qualities of a good research are
i. Systematic
ii. Logical
iii. Empirical
iv. Replicable
i and ii are correct
ii and iii are correct
iii and iv are correct
i, ii, iii and iv are correct

6. Various steps involved in planning process are
i. Identification of a problem
ii. Collecting available informatin regarding the problem
iii. Assess the possible alternatvies to solve the problem and select one
iv. Evaluate the outcome of the solution
i, iii and iv are correct
ii, iii and iv are correct
i, ii and iii are correct
i, ii and iv are correct

7. The management theories has been classified by Harold Koontz are
i. Scientific Management School
ii. The management process school
iii. The empirical school
iv. The human behavioural school
i, ii and iii are correct
ii, iii and iv are correct
i, iii and iv are correct
i, ii, iii and iv are correct

8. Information Literacy is a person's ability to
i. Know when he needs information
ii. Know where to find and get it
iii. Know how to search in a library
iv. Know how to get it and use it in an ethical manner
i, ii and iii are correct
ii, iii and iv are correct
i, ii and iv are correct
i, iii and iv are correct

9.Assertion (A): Selective Dissemination of information services is a personalized CAS
Reason (R): It is an alerting services directed towards groups
A is true and R is false
A is false and R is true
Both A and R are false
Both A and R are true

10. Assertion (A): Hypothesis is essential in all types of research
Reason (R): Hypothesis is not mandatory in research
A is false and R is true
A is true and R is false
Both A and R are true
Both A and R are false

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