Secrets and Shortcuts to Clear the NET Examination

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. Colin Powell
You can Clear the Exam : Prepare a schedule, follow (Reading is compulsory).

There are no tricks and shortcuts to clear the NET or any exams. Only thing you need to do is Reading.

Take any one of MCQ book, It may consists 10 or higher or lower number of units. It is not a problem. Sincerely read daily one unit, we assume 10 Units. So you will thorough the book in 10 days.

I assure you if you thoroughly read any MCQ book means you can score 40% questions in any exams. Next two to three days go through Old Question Papers of NET and any other Exams. Now you can score 50% in any exam (mind the word Thoroughly Read).So with in 15 days you can score 50%.

This 50% of knowledge will boost your understanding and it will help to attend the questions you never seen in any mcq book. If you built this 50% LIS Knowledge strongly in your memory, Further more you can absorb more new information going through internet or LIS Subject books, IGNOU Study material or any other university Study material.

Read, Re-Read, Practice and Succeed.
So Start Read Now
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