Karnataka SET (KSET) 2015 LIS Paper 2 (41-50)

1. Match the following
a. Souli. NIC, Delhi
b. LIBSYSii. Verus Solutions, Hyderabad
c. Newgenlibiii. INFLIBNET
d. e-Granthalayaiv.LS- Tech Ventures
iii, ii, iv, i
iii, iv, i, ii
iv, ii, i, iii
iii, iv, ii, i

2. Match the following
a. Market segmentationi. Logo
b. Brandii. Publicity
c. Packagingiii. Consumer group
d. Promotioniv. Wrapping
iii, i, iv, ii
iv, ii, iii, i
i, iv, ii, iii
ii, iii, i, iv

3. Match the following
a. Polygoti. List of words with meaning
b. Glossaryii. Books published before 15th century A.D
c. Transliterationiii. Multilingual
d. Incunabulaiv. Writing in another script with diacritical marks
ii, iii, i, iv
iv, ii, iii, i
iii, i, iv, ii
iv, ii, i, iii

4. Match the following
a. Delivery of Books and Newspapers Acti. 1957
b. Imperial Copyright Actii. 1952
c. Indian Copyright Actiii. 1954
d. Universal Copyright Activ. 1911
iv, i, iii, ii
iii, ii, iv, i
iii, iv, i, ii
iv, iii, ii, i

5. Match the following
a. Fodor's India i. Yearbook
b. World of learningii. Trade Bibliography
c. Books in printiii. Travel Guide
d. India: A reference annualiv. Directory
iii, iv, ii, i
iv, ii, i, iii
iii, i, ii, iv
ii, i, iii, iv

Read the following paragraph and answer the questions 6-10:
Academic scientists are judged by the papers they publish. The pressure to publish in the peer-reviewed literature of science has grown tremendously over the last thirty years or so; a period that has coincided with a rapid increase in global investments on scientific research. Individuals, institutions and even countries attempt to maximize published output, with the result that there has been an almost unmanageable increase in the number of scientific journals that are published today. The technologies of the information age have contributed to this explosion of scientific literature as many new journals appear only in electronic form, while many old journals move towards dispensing with the traditional, printed form. Journals have always needed money for production. A long time ago, when scientific societies and academies were the sole publishers, many ventures functioned like ‘not-for-profit’ organisations, performing a community service. Editors and reviewers were unpaid volunteers, growing in number as science expanded. Science publishing as a commercial enterprise began to take root in the 1960's and grew very rapidly in the following decades. Traditionally, libraries paid for journals and institutions largely bore the costs entailed. The community of academic readers was generally unaware of the expenditure incurred. The growth of large publishing monopolies, the proliferation of journals and their rising cost have led to a continuous escalation in library budgets at major institutions across the world. A Harvard faculty notice is succinctly titled: ‘Major periodical subscriptions cannot be sustained.’ The April 2012 circular notes that ‘many large journal publishers have made the scholarly communication environment fiscally unsustainable and academically restrictive’. Curiously, while the best of universities in the West have been alarmed at the runaway rise in library costs, Indian institutions have displayed little interest in asking whether their libraries get fair value for the money spent. The sudden spurt in the number of new science and engineering institutions in India, IITs and IISERs amongst them, has provided the large publishing houses with an expanded market in India. The pricing policies for scientific journals can be even more capricious than domestic airline fares. The transition from the printed journal to the electronically accessible product through the medium of the internet has facilitated ‘bundling’ on a scale that could scarcely be imagined a decade ago. Publishers can now offer access to over a thousand journals with a single omnibus subscription.
6. What are the reasons for increasing scientific output?
Increasing scientific research
Emergence of information technology
Increasing individual and institutional participation in research
Emergence of Internet

7. What was the difference in journal publication before and after 1960's?
Electronic publication after and traditional method before 1960
Lesser participation of individuals before and more participation after 1960
Less publication before and more publication after 1960
'Not for profit' before and commercial after 1960

8. What were the reasons for the increase in library budget?
Intention to provide exhaustive information to the users
Growth of publishers
Increasing number of journals and their rising costs
Academic community being unaware of the expenditure

9. What are the reactions of the libraries in the west and India to the increasing cost of journals?
Libraries in the west are shocked and Indian libraries are least interested
Western libraries are surprised at the increasing costs and the Indian libraries want value for their money
Both western and Indian libraries want value for the money spent
Both in the Western and Indian libraries subscription costs have been cut

10. What is 'Bundling'?
A bundle of journals
Transition from printed journals to electronic journals
Access to large number of journals through single subscription
Pricing policy of scientific journals

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