J&K State Eligibility Test 2013 General Paper 1 (31-42)

1. The Government of Jammu and Kashmir wants to assess the impact of mid-day meal programme in schools. They have requested you to conduct the impact assessment study. For direct impact, the key information that you need to look at is :
Attendance in school and number of school drop-outs
Health (height and weight) of children under the scheme
Quantity of food given to children per day
Number of children benefitting under the scheme

2. The citation of a stand-alone published occasional paper, as per Chicago Manual of Style, is written in the bibliography as :
Author (or organization), quoted title, place,publisher, date
Author (or organization), italicized title, place,publisher, date
Author (or organization), date, title, place,publisher
Author (or organization), title, publisher, place,date

3. Which of the following is not a ‘categorical’ variable ?
Rural population
Female students
65 years of age
Skilled workers

4. If you prefer A to B, B to C, and are indifferent between C, D and E, state which of the following holds good according to your preference ?
B is preferred to A
B is preferred to E
E is preferred to C
D is indifferent from A

5. Plagiarism, an integral part of research ethics, means :
The act of rejecting somebody else’s ideas, thoughts, pictures, graphics, theories, passages word-for-word, words, or stories based on incorrect evidence
The act of forming a hypothesis based on somebody else’s ideas, thoughts, pictures, graphics, theories, or stories
The act of passing off somebody else’s ideas, thoughts, pictures, theories, passages wordfor-word, words, or stories with proper citation or acknowledgment
The act of passing off somebody else’s ideas, thoughts, pictures, theories, passages wordfor-word, words, or stories as one’s own

6. If field evidence rejects the null hypothesis based on a theory, it means :
Most of the sample points do not conform to the hypothesis
Summary evidence of most rounds of sampling do not conform to the hypothesis
Both sampling and non-sampling errors in the field evidence is large
The questionnaire to collect field evidence is wrongly designed

Question 7 - 12
7. In terms of average percentage allocation of plan funds, which is the largest sector in the economy ?
Agriculture and rural development
Industry and mining

8. In the 12th Five Year Plan, among the services, the highest proportion is allocated to :
General services and general economic services
Social services
Science, technology and environment
Transport and communications

9. From which five year plan a large decline in the proportion of allocation is witnessed in the communications sector ?
9th Five Year Plan
12th Five Year Plan
11th Five Year Plan
10th Five Year Plan

10. Which sector is an outlier in terms of percentage allocation of plan funds in successive five year plans ?
General services
Agriculture and allied services
Irrigation and flood control

11. Which sector has witnessed the highest rate of increase in percentage allocation of plan funds between 1992-97 and 2007-12 ?
Social services
Transport and communication
Industry and minerals

12. Why projected figures for 12th Five Year Plan are used ?
11th Five Year Plan is in progress
12th Five Year Plan is underway
Actual figures for 11th Five Year Plan are not available
Actual figures for 10th Five Year Plan are available

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