Maharashtra State Eligibility Test September 2015 Paper 1 (21-30)

1. Which of the following is the most correct description of ‘breaking news’ in the context of news-channel ?
A news mainly about a shocking or violent event
A news mainly based on pictures taken by hidden camera
A short and developing news about an important event just discovered
A precise news focusing on investigation of political corruption

2.What is the significance of the 1980s in the context of television in India ?
Television transmission began in India
DTH services for television began in India
Rapid expansion of Doordarshan’s network
Privately owned TV channels were allowed in India

3.The round table sitting arrangement in a typical conference room facilitates :
one-directional communication
more interactive communication amongst participants
top-down communication
bottoms-up communication

4.What communicative dimensions are added when PowerPoint presentation is used in teaching ?
Only visual
Only Audio
Audio as well as visual
Audio, Visual and Interactive

5.Consider the following code words for the fruits Banana ---> 010, Apple ---> 111,Mango ---> 101. By the nearest decoding procedure the codeword 000 will be decoded to :
Either Apple or Mango

6. Which of the following is true for the real numbers π and 2 ?
π and 2 both are rational numbers
π + 2 is a rational number
2π and π/2 are not real numbers
π^n is irrational for every natural number n


No two terms of the sequence are equal
At least one term of the sequence is larger than 10.1112
The sequence is strictly increasing
Every term of the sequence is less than 11.11.

8.Assume that human beings will survive on the earth for infinity. Then :
There is a person whose family line will never terminate
Everyones family line may get terminated
At least 50% of the present person’s family line will not be terminated
At most 50% of the present person’s family line will not be terminated

9.Three boys {b1, b2, b3} and three girls {g1, g2, g3} are registered in amarriage bureau. Suppose each boy wishes to marry a girl of his choice. In which of the following situations will each boy get married to a girl of his choice.
b1 likes g1 , b2 likes {g1 , g2 } and b3 likes g2
b1 likes {g1 , g 3 }, b2 likes g3 and b3 likes g1
b1 likes g2 , b2 likes {g1 , g2 } and b3 likes g3
b1 likes g1 , b2 likes {g2 , g3 } and b3 likes g1

10.Suppose that in an organization every teacher is a scientist; every scientist who is not a teacher is an engineer. Therefore :
every engineer is a scientist
every teacher is an engineer
every scientist is either a teacher or an engineer
no teacher is an engineer

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