Karnataka SET 2014 Paper 3 (31-40)

Lisquiz=-KSET 2014
1. One gigabyte is equal to
2000 MB
1024 MB
1084 MB
1006 MB

2. Translation is a solution to overcome
Space barrier
Time barrier
Language barrier
Cost barrier

3.The journal 'Annals of Library and Information Studies' is published by
Sharada Ranganathan Endowment, Bangalore
Indian Library Association, New Delhi
National Library of India, Kolkatta
NISCAIR, New Delhi

4.Prenatal cataloguing means
Simplified cataloguing
Pre-publication catalogue
Selective cataloguing
Shared catalogue

5. Modular system of library building is leads to

6. Which of the following are not document delivery service ?
i) FAX
ii) HUB
iii) Photocopying service
iv) DBMS
Codes :

i) and ii) are correct
ii) and iii) are correct
i) and iii) are correct
iii) and iv) are correct

7. The two parts of abstract are
i) Citation part and index part
ii) Citation part and Bibliography
iii) Citation part and title
iv) Citation part and abstract part

ii) is correct
iii) is correct
i) is correct
iv) is correct

8. Shanan and weaver are associated with
i) Mathematical theory of communication
ii) Models of communication
iii) Theories of management
iv) Library software packages
Codes :

i), ii) and iii) are correct
i) and ii) are correct
ii) and iii) are correct
i) and iii) are correct

9. Which of the following are the components of SDI ?
i) Document profile
ii) User profile
iii) Author profile
iv) Library profile
Codes :

i) and ii) are correct
ii) and iii) are correct
iii) and iv) are correct
i) and iv) are correct

10. Which sources are used to know the 'Impact factor' of a journal publication ?
i) Web of science
ii) Science direct
Codes :

i) and iv) are correct
ii) and iii) are correct
i) and iii) are correct
ii) and iv) are correct

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