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51.Match the following theories with the respectively profounder:
a. Cybernetics i. Charles Osgood (1916)
b. Human information processing ii. Marshal C. Yovits
c. Psychological approach to message transmission iii. Nobert Wiener (1894 – 1964)
d. General Information System iv. R.L. Ackoff

i iii ii iv
i ii iv iii
iii i iv ii
iii ii i iv

52.Match the following:
a. N. Grogan i. Scientific & Technical Libraries
b. J. Saha ii. Scientific & technical libraries; an introduction to literature
c. Nilfred Ashworth iii. Handbook of special librarianship & information work
d. L.J. Strauss iv. Special libraries and information services in India & USA

ii iv iii i
i ii iv iii
ii i iii iv
iv ii i iii

53.Match the following:
a. Behaviour Science i. Cognitive Process of Information
b. Philosophical Studies ii. Studies on Epistomology
c. Ontology iii. Information processing in living things
d. Biological Science iv. Study of nature of existence

iv iii i ii
iii ii iv i
ii i iii iv
i ii iv iii

54.Match the following implications with the respective laws of library science:
a. Location of the library i. Second Law
b. Obligation of the State ii. Third Law
c. Publicity iii. Fifth Law
d. Strength of Library Staff iv. First Law

iv ii i iii
iv i ii iii
ii i iii iv
ii iii iv i

55.Match the following biographical publications from India with the respective compilers:
a. India, Who’s Who i. S.P. Sen
b. Who’s Who in India ii. J.S. Sharma
c. Dictionary of Indian Biography iii. Business Press, Mumbai
d. National Biographical Dictionary of India iv. INFA Pub., New Delhi

iii iv ii i
i ii iii iv
ii iii i iv
iv iii i ii

56.Match the following for locating the information:
a. Information on recent Nobel Prize winners i. Bibliographic Service
b. Current developments in Library & Information Science ii. Indexing Services
c. Books on Economic Policies of India iii. Trend Sources
d. Articles on Cloud Computing iv. Digest Services

iv iii i ii
iii i iv ii
ii iii iv i
i ii iii iv

57.Match the following:
a. Principle of Osmosis i. Security
b. Theory of Literary Warrants ii. Sinha Committee
c. Public Libraries are stagnating pools of books iii. Reclassification
d. Firewall iv. Dr. S.R. Ranganathan

iv ii iii i
iii iv ii i
iv iii i ii
i ii iv iii

58.Match the following:
a. Referral i. Support
b. SDI ii. Reaching out
c. Extension iii. Directing
d. Reprography iv. Anticipating

iii iv ii i
iv ii iii i
i iv ii iii
ii iii i iv

59.Match the following:
a. Similar activities are grouped i. Bureaucratic System
b. Grouping activities into divisions ii. Functional System
c. Integration of projects into functional systemiii. Departmentalisation
d. Control and Supervision through hierarchy of positions iv. Matrix structure

iv i ii iii
iii ii iv i
i ii iii iv
ii iii iv i

60.Match the following:
a. Virtua i. Veeru Technologies (KIIKM)
b. Alice ii. Infotech Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
c. Libsys iii. Softlink, Australia
d. New Genlib iv. VTLS, Virginia

i iii ii iv
ii iv i iii
iv ii iii i
iv iii ii i