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26.Match the following :
a. User Educationi. James I Wyer
b. Conservative, Liberal and Moderate Theory of Reference Serviceii. Patricia B. Knapp
c. Minimum, Middling and Maximum Theories of Reference Serviceiii. Eugene P. Sheehy
d. Guide to Reference Bookiv. Samuel Rothstein

ii i iv iii
i ii iv iii
iii ii iv i
iv iii i ii

27.Match the following :
a. Facts on Filei. Periodical Directory
b. World of Learningii. Index
c. Concordanceiii. Newspaper Digest
d. Willing’s Press Guideiv. Directory

i iii iv ii
ii i iii iv
iii iv ii i
iv ii i iii

28.Match the following :
a. McGroger Theory Xi. Less External Control
b. McGroger Theory Yii. PERT
c. Unity of Commandiii. Workers’ Participation in Decision Making
d. Time and Costiv. All Powers in One Person

iii i iv ii
iv i iii ii
ii iv iii i
i iii ii iv

29.Match the following :
a. W. Edward Demingi. Quality Control Circles
b. Joseph M. Juranii. TQM
c. Armand V. Feigenbaumiii. Planning, Control, Improvement
d. Kaoru Ishikavaiv. Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA)

ii iii iv i
iv ii i iii
iii iv i ii
iv iii ii i

30.Match the following :
a. Encyclopaedia of Associationsi. Secondary sources
b. Whitaker’s Almanacii. Primary sources
c. LISAiii. Directories
d. Economic Timesiv. Yearbooks

iii iv i ii
iv iii i ii
ii i iv iii
i iv iii ii

31.Match the following :
a. Books in Printi. National Bibliography
b. Social Science : A Bibliography of Doctoral Dissertationsii. Trade Bibliography
c. Asian Social Science Bibliographyiii. National & Trade Bibliography
d. Cumulative Book Indexiv. Subject Bibliography

ii i iv iii
i iii ii iv
iv i ii iii
iii ii i iv

32.Match the following :
a. Dictionaryi. Foreign Language
b. Glossaryii. Synonymous terms
c. Thesaurusiii. Words, Synonyms
d. Lexiconiv. Specific subjects

iii iv ii i
iv iii i ii
i ii iv iii
ii iv iii i

33.Match the following :
a. Curriculum Development Committee (P.N. Kaula)i. 2001
b. Curriculum Development Committee (C.R. Karrisidappa)ii. 1992
c. Working Group on Librariesiii. 1910
d. Library Movement in Barodaiv. 1964

ii i iv iii
i ii iv iii
iv ii iii i
iii iv ii i

34.Match the following :
a. Current Biographyi. Russia
b. Index Translationumii. University of Illinois
c. VINITIiii. U.S.A.
d. Library Trendsiv. UNESCO

iii iv i ii
iv i ii iii
i ii iii iv
ii iii iv i

35.Match the following :
a. Herbert Hicksi. The Elements of Administration
b. F.W. Taylorii. The Management of Organisation
c. Henry Fayoliii. Scientific Management
d. Colonel L. Urwickiv. Administrative Management

i iv ii iii
iv ii iii i
ii iii iv i
iii iv i ii

36.Assertion (A) : In the study of History, as an academic discipline, a primary source is an artefact, a document, a recording or other source of information that was created during the event or immediately after the event.
Reason (R) : Primary sources are considered as original material or evidences about the topic and are fundamental to history.

(A) is true, but (R) is false.
(A) is false, but (R) is true.
Both (A) and (R) are true.
Both (A) and (R) are false.

37.Assertion (A) : Indian National Bibliography is the most comprehensive source of Indian
publications. Reason (R) : National Library of Kolkata is entitled to receive one copy of each Indian publication under Delivery of Book Act.
Codes :

(A) is true, but (R) is false.
(A) is false, but (R) is true.
Both (A) and (R) are true.
Both (A) and (R) are false.

38.Assertion (A) : As per the generally accepted principles of construction of statistical tabulation, every table should have a clear, concise and adequate title so as to make the table intelligible without reference to the text and this title should always be placed just below the body of the table.
Reason (R) : A statistical table which reflects its title just above the table and supply information about several interrelated characteristics of data makes the table unwield and inconvenient.
Codes :

Both (A) and (R) are true.
Both (A) and (R) are false.
(A) is true, but (R) is false.
(A) is false, but (R) is true.

39.Assertion (A) : Knowledge Management involves a number of assets and value added to them.
Reason (R) : Knowledge Management is the core activity of information transfer.
Codes :

(A) is true, but (R) is false.
(A) is true, but (R) is partially true.
Both (A) and (R) are true.
(A) is partially true but (R) is true.

40.Assertion (A) : According to Horton and Merchant, information is a commodity like other resources.
Reason (R) : Information is a tangible commodity.
Codes :

(A) is true, but (R) is false.
Both (A) and (R) are false
Both (A) and (R) are true.
(A) is false, (R) is true.

41.Assertion (A) : Reference section in a Library became insignificant.
Reason (R) : The Web. 2.0 services replaces the reference desk services.
Codes :

(A) is true, but (R) is false.
Both (A) and (R) are true.
Both (A) and (R) are false.
(A) is false and (R) is true.

42.Assertion (A) : Newspaper Digests are the best sources of information to get current and authentic information like books.
Reason (R) : These sources are compiled by going through various newspapers.
Codes :

Both (A) and (R) are true.
(A) is partially true but (R) is true.
Both (A) and (R) are false.
(A) is true but (R) is partially true.

43.Assertion (A) : Encyclopaedias have been regarded as the substitute of all categories of reference sources as these provide all types of information.
Reason (R) : Encyclopaedias provide comprehensive information on all aspects which therwise are scattered in different categories of reference sources.
Codes :

(R) is true but (A) is false.
Both (A) and (R) are true.
(A) is true but (R) is false.
Both (A) and (R) are false.

44.Assertion (A) : Chi-square is an important non-parametric test which does not require rigid assumptions in respect of the type of population being studied.
Reason (R) : Since χ2 is a nonparametric test, it requires only the degrees of freedom (implicitly, the size of the population) for using the test.
Codes :

(A) is true, but (R) is false.
Both (A) and (R) are true.
(A) is false but (R) is true.
Both (A) and (R) are false.

45.Assertion (A) : Information is commodity.
Reason (R) : Commodity is a marketable item produced to satisfy human wants or needs.
Codes :

(A) is false, and (R) is true.
(R) is false and (A) is true.
Both (A) and (R) are false.
Both (A) and (R) are true

Read the passage given below and answer the questions based on your understanding of the passage (Question Nos. 46-50) :
According to Wikipedia ‘social media’ is media designed to be disseminated through social interaction, created using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. According to search engine partner, the term social media describes media that is posed by the user and can take many different forms. Some type of social media are forums, message boards, blogs, wikis and podcarts. Social media applications include Google, Facebook and You tube. In social media, communication takes place through messages, status updates, voice chats etc. or through photos/videos sharing, games, virtual goods etc. Antony Mayfield in his e-book titled ‘What is Social Media’ ? has defined social media as online media, which encourages contributions and feedback from everyone who is interested, is open to feedback and articipation, is a two way conversation, allows communities to form quickly and communicate effectively to share common interests and thrive on their connectedness The growth of social media is phenomenal. It is being used by all netizens all over the world to a great extent in all areas including business, government, fashion etc. A research conducted by the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) indicates that high take up of social media application outside formal educational settings provides new opportunities for innovation and modernisation. With this growing trend, political leaders have also realized its mportance as an effective tool to spread awareness and to reach out their voters. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama used it during the Presidential elections. Since then, social media is being highly used by a number of politicians all over the world. Myspace has more than 7400 discussion groups related to politics. According to a survey by manpower, 29% of the companies in America and 20% of companies worldwide have a social media policy. People even update themselves through micro-blogging on every aspect of human life including the natural and human diasters. In China, Twitter became the first media in the world to break the news of the Wenzhou earthquake. Social media is being used in fashion industry as well to generate interest in a brand through publicity across online communities and websites. India is one of the most culturally, linguistically and genetically diverse regions having more than one billion people. It is ranked third in Asia in terms of the internet users and quite a number of them are using social media. In fact, approximately 60 millions to 65 millions netizens in India open most of their time on social media/networking sites.
46.Who defined social media as ‘online media’ which encourages contributions and eedback from everyone who is interested ?
Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS)
Antony Myfield

47.Who used the social media for conversing during recent Presidential Election in U.S.A. ?
Jimmy Carter
Barack Obama
George Bush
John F. Kennedy

48.In China, which social media became the first media to break the news of earthquake ?

49.In Asia, which country is ranked third in terms of using social media by the people ?

50.Which social website has more than 7400 discussion groups relate to politics ?

Post a Comment

  1. Sir,
    Q. 29 W. Edward Deming and Juran also directly related and have worked on TQM. hence option no A may also correct,
    Q.37 option C seems correct as INB being the comprehensive source

    Kindly guide.

  2. Sir,
    Is there any possibilities of supplementary results with regards to UGC NET DECEMBER 2013.
    It seems 2-3 questions are still not correct. Is there still time to send to the grievances-UGC,
    I have secured 60% marks under General Category - December 2013 UGC NET, just short by .5%.
    I have some doubts in the following questions, you are requested to guide me.

    Paper II

    Q. No. 29

    Match the following :

    List – I List – II

    a. W. Edward Deming i. Quality Control Circles
    b. Joseph M. Juran ii. TQM
    c. Armand V. Feigenbaum iii. Planning, Control, Improvement
    d. Kaoru Ishikava iv. Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA)
    Codes :
    a b c d
    (A) ii iii iv i
    (B) iv ii i iii
    (C) iii iv i ii
    (D) iv iii ii i

    Right Answer is A Not D (Previous year answer key UGC have the answer key for the answer for W.Edward Deming is related to TQM. Mentioned 3 scientist are directly related to TQM broadly hence 2 marks to be allotted)

    Q. No. 37

    Assertion (A) : Indian National Bibliography is the most comprehensive source of Indian publications.
    Reason (R) : National Library of Kolkata is entitled to receive one copy of each Indian publication under Delivery of Book Act.
    Codes :
    (A) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
    (B) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
    (C) Both (A) and (R) are true.
    (D) Both (A) and (R) are false.

    UGC given answer is B Right answer is C (I think most of the country have the National Bibliography for their country publication like INB, BNB etc. and INB, BNB is the Government publication. So the most comprehensive source of any country is their National Bibliography. So the Indian National Bibliography is the most comprehensive source of Indian publications is True. )
    Information Sources and Services and Systems by G.B. Singh

    PAPER - Third

    Q. No. 27

    Which of the following are called ‘path finders’ to the literature ?
    (i) Bibliography
    (ii) Catalogue
    (iii) Shelf List
    (iv) Indices and Abstracts
    Codes :
    (A) (i) & (ii) are correct
    (B) (i), (ii) & (iv) are correct
    (C) (i) & (iv) are correct
    (D) (ii) & (iii) are correct

    UGC give option C (please see the link http://spectrum.library.concordia.ca/5591/1/LVileno_RSR_Vol35_No3.pdf here catalogue is also the pathfinder. So I think correct answer is option B. It is a coding system a library uses to categorize its books. Generally, libraries catalog their books first by genre (fiction, non-fiction, suspense, etc) then by author's last name. Without pathfinders, you would never be able to find a book!)

    I am thankful for your online tests.

    You are requested to guide me whether I should apply for grievance cell of UGC.

    Thanking you

    Kindly response.

    Yours faithfully
    Rajesh Sharma

  3. Nenu kuda happy (in telugu). i am also happy

  4. Very good for working professionals in library field for the better future in Library Science.

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