UGC NET December 2009 Paper 2 (31-40)

LIS QUIZ SERIES To practice 1-10  

1. Public Library Law has already been passed in the following States. Identify the correct chronological order in which they were enacted.
(i) Uttaranchal (Uttarakhand)
(ii) Orissa
(iii) Gujarat
(iv) Haryana
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(iv) (ii) (i) (iii)
(ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(iii) (ii) (i) (iv)

2. Arrange in chronological order the following persons who were associated with computing history:
(i) J. Presper Eckart
(ii) John W Mauchly
(iii) August Ada
(iv) Charles Babbage
(iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(ii) (i) (iii) (iv)
(i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
(iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

3.Arrange the following events of Public Library movement in chronological order:
(i) Enactment of Press and Registration of Books Act
(ii) Establishment of the Punjab Library, Lahore
(iii) Constitution of Fyzee Committee
(iv) Declaration of Imperial Library (Calcutta) as National Library of India
(i) (iii) (iv) (ii)
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(iv) (i) (iii) (ii)

4.Arrange the following layers of OSI model in the sequence in which they function:
(i) Network Layer
(ii) Physical Layer
(iii) Transport Layer
(iv) Data Link Layer
(iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(iv) (ii) (i) (iii)
(ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

5. Arrange the following four quadrants of spiral of scientific method in their logical order :
(i) Ascendant
(ii) Nadir
(iii) Zenith
(iv) Descendent
(iv) (i) (iii) (ii)
(i) (iii) (iv) (ii)
(iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
(ii) (i) (iii) (iv)

6. Arrange the following books in order of their publication:
(i) Classified Catalogue Code
(ii) Prolegamena to Library Classification
(iii) Five Laws of Library Science
(iv) Colon Classification
(i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
(iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
(iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(iv) (i) (ii) (iii)

7. Arrange the following bibliographies according to their date of origin:
(i) Indian National Bibliography
(ii) Cumulative Book Index
(iii) Book In Print
(iv) British National Bibliography
(iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(iv) (ii) (i) (iii)

8. Arrange the following schemes of classification according to their year of origin:
(i) Colon Classification
(ii) Expansive Classification
(iii) Universal Decimal Classification
(iv) Dewey Decimal Classification
(ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
(i) (ii) (iv) (iii)

9. Arrange the following principles and canons according to their levels as enunciated by Dr. S. R. Ranganathan :
(i) Principles of Cataloguing
(ii) General Normative Principles
(iii) Laws of Library Science
(iv) Canons of Cataloguing
(i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
(ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
(i) (iv) (ii) (iii)

10. Arrange the following Associations according to their year of formation:
(ii) LA
(iii) ALA
(iv) SLA
(iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
(ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
(iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
(iv) (i) (iii) (ii)

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