
Andhra Pradesh State Eligibility Test 2012 Paper I (1-10)

1. Teaching is best described as a

2. The chief objective of teaching is
Transmission of existing knowledge
Stimulate curiosity of students to discover knowledge
Help children to do well in examinations
To facilitate research

3. A “Good” learner is one who
Listens attentively to teachers
Has a questioning frame of mind
Spends considerable time in library
Prepares well for examination

4.Identify any three factors which contribute to effective teaching
(i) Art of communication
(ii) Subject mastery
(iii) Smart and handsome looks
(iv) Rapport with students
(i), (ii) and (iii)
(i), (iii) and (iv)
(i), (ii) and (iv)
(ii), (iii) and (iv)

5. Programmed instruction is based on the principles of learning which is known as
Software learning
Systematic programming

6. Sentence completion tests are objective type of tests which measure
Recognition ability
Sentence knowledge
Association skill
Recall ability

7. Three of the following four attributes characterise research. Identify the one which is not an attribute of research
Research is purposive
Findings of research can be generalised for all contexts
Research is logical and objective
Research is based on accurate data

8. Match the following :
(a) Experimental (p) Continuity of Method observations over time
(b) Descriptive (q) Internal Method criticism of data
(c) Historical (r) Stratified Method sample
(d) Longitudinal (s) Equivalence of Method groups
(aq), (br), (cs) and (dp)
(br), (cq), (dp) and (as)
(cp), (dq), (as) and (br)
(dq), (cp), (bs) and (ar)

9. Reorganise the following in an appropriate sequence
(i) Analysis and interpretation of data
(ii) Preparation of Research Report
(iii) Identification and selection of a problem
(iv) Formulation of a research design
(v) Collection of data
(iii), (iv), (i), (ii) and (v)
(iii), (iv), (i), (v) and (ii)
(iii), (v), (iv), (i) and (ii)
(iii), (iv), (v), (i) and (ii)

10. One of the following behaviour does not confirm to research ethics. Identify the behaviour
Copying passages from a book along with acknowledgement
Arriving at a generalisation which the researcher feels as truth even though data do not support it
Formulating hypothesis which is not confirmed by review of literature
Using statistical techniques in qualitative research

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