Objective Questions in Library and Society

LIS QUIZ SERIES   Questions are taken from the book "Objective Studies in Library and Information Science For Net Set and Other Examinations" by Mandal Biswarup Jana Pijush Kanti (ISBN-817888044X )
1.Delivery of Books and Newspapers Act published in India in
May 21, 1954
June 21, 1955
April 21, 1953
July 21, 1956

2.Calcutta Public Library was designated as Imperial Library by
William Bentinct
Lord Curzon
Lord Minto
Lord Welesly

3.Calcutta Public Library was designated as Imperial Library on
Jan 30, 1900
Jan 30, 1907
Jan 30, 1903
Jan 30, 1911

4.Imperial library, Calcutta became National Library, India in

5.India's National Library at Calcutta had its beginning in 1856 as
Calcutta Public Library
Calcutta Metropolitan Library
Imperial Library
Calcutta reading Library

6.Name the person who was appointed as first fulltime University Librarian in India
A D Dickinson
WeB Sayers
B S Kesavan
Harinath De

7.Which university appointed the first full time university librarian
Delhi University
Calcutta University
Madras University
Punjab University

8.Name the largest atlas available in the world
World Atlas (French edition)
Joan Blaeu's Le Grand Atlas (French edition)
World Atlas (French edition)
Current century Atlas (French edition)

9.Who devised the motto of the ALA
S R Ranganathan
J D Brown
Melvil Dewey
C A Cutter

10.Full name of Melvil Dewey is
Louis Melvil Dewey
Kossuth Melvil Dewey
Louis Kossuth Melvil Dewey
Melvil Louis Kossuth Dewey

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